First, make sure you create an account on the platform by clicking on the Sign Up link at the top corner of the platform and and create the listing of the property that you want to exchange with your potential exchange partner or host, by going to My Properties on the Dashboard.

Searching for homes to exchange is easy on Vacason. Simply type your destination city,  select the city name in the displayed city names on the screen and select the number of guests traveling with you (if any) in the search fields and click the Search button.  You will see the available home exchanges in your destination city displayed on your screen. You can also use the search and filter tools at the top of the page, to search and filter by Property Type and Room Type, and click More Filters button to see more search options like Amenities, Accessibility, Sleeping Arrangements, Trip Type, Proximity, Exchange Type, Car Exchange, etc that you can use to find the type of property that you like to exchange with.

Futhermore, the Platform has a Wishlist feature that enables you to save as many listings as you want during your search. You can add as many listings as possible to you Wishlist to be viewed later, by clicking on Add to Wishlist button on each property you view during property search. However,  make sure that you are logged in to the platform when adding properties to your Wishlist(s). You can also create diffrent Wislist names for your Wishlists, to enable you to differentiate each Wishlist and contact the hosts regarding their listings.

Once you find the property that you are interested in, click on the property picture to see the description of the property. After viewing the property and other information like the name and picture of the host, the prefarred exchanage destinations of the host and ready to contact the host, select your prefarred Checkin and Checkout dates and click Request Exchange button. On the request preview screen, enter the purpose of your trip and other relevant information and questions you like ask the host and click submit button.

Furthermore, wait till the host responds to your request. In addition, you can continue to contact the host using the messaging system on the platform.

The hosts will repsond to your request as soon as possible, by accepting or declining your request. If the host accepts your request, you will receieve a message by email and a notification on the platform.  Log to the platform, go to MyTrips link on the Dashboard, click MyTrips and click My Upcoming Trips. You will find your trip and and other information needed for your trip by clicking in View Receipt/Invoice link. However, this link may not be available to you during then free trial period. Ignore the 'Pay'link on the Trip information during free trial period. Your host will send you the address of their property and their contact phone number using the messaging system on the platform during the free trial period, to enable you to plan your trip.

Furthermore, you can continue to message the host about your trip through the messaging system on the platform till you are ready to leave for your destination.

However, if the host declines your request, you will receive an email and a notification on the platform about the decline. You can continue to search and contact other hosts in your destination city till you get your perfect match.